Posted in Blogging

Ewonderhub Blogger Award

Ewonderhub Blogger Award


I was nominated for the Ewonderhub Award by  Marie, at CHEZ SHEA | THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF LIVING THE DREAM

Thank you, Marie, for nominating me!  I am honored, and humbled, that you considered me.  Smile

Write a brief story / history of your blog.

Goodness. I had to stop and think about this one!  I started blogging Labor Day Weekend … 2006.  Yep, I’m going to have my 10th blogiversary this year.  I’ve morphed a couple of times – started on Blogger, then even blogged for a few minutes on LiveJournal, before landing on WordPress, in 2007 I think.   This particular blog I started in 2013, after Google Reader retired, and my husband and I decided we needed to shake up our respective blogospheres a bit ourselves.  And not only do I have this blog, but I have several others as well.  For a time, I was trying to keep my interests separate, plus, I wanted to have a place to blog about things like spiritual and political stuff without offending people who read my regular blog.  I still have those blogs – I think it helps me focus.

A take down of advice to New bloggers

You would think, having been a blogger for so long, that I would have some really cool insight or advice, wouldn’t you?  lol  Many days I still feel like a newbie myself, even though I had a period there where I blogged every day for something like four years.  For new bloggers, here’s what I recommend:  Have fun.  Blogging shouldn’t feel like a chore.  Write what’s on your heart, what interests you, what you think about, what you’re curious about, what you’re angry about, what you love, and then make sure you love what you write.  If you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to, either, and let’s face it, the biggest reason we blog is to connect with others.

Also, while the editors that come with blogging platforms like WordPress or Blogger might be nice, it’s perfectly fine to use a tool like Windows Live Writer.  (here’s a page that tells more about it: Windows Live Writer Basics)  For Windows 10 systems, you can use the Open Live Writer version that Microsoft has set free to developers, and this version works with Blogger.  In something like 8 years since I discovered Windows Live Writer, I think I can count on one hand all the blog posts where I haven’t used it.  It’s a great tool, and works on the desktop so you don’t even need to be online to write, which is nice if you have a limit on your Internet access.  Personally, I think it gives you a bit more control over your posts. I don’t think I can even talk about blogging anymore without talking about Windows Live Writer, lol.

Nominate 10 other bloggers

Okay, this is the part I hate.  Lots of people don’t like awards.  You’ll see them with pages that say something like, “Award Free Blog.”  And many people don’t like the sense of pressure that being nominated for an award brings them.  So I don’t like to do it.

But, I do have an awesome list of blogs on my Blogroll!

My A-Z Accomplices

My Poblano Pals

My Poets

My Writers

My Friends

(some of these folks have private blogs or blog rarely, but I like to keep the links up because I love them)

My Favorites


Any of these people would love to meet you!  I follow some seriously awesome bloggers.  Smile  So give them a look-see and tell them I sent you.

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Rules for the Blogger Recognition Award
  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Attach the award to your post.
  • Write a brief story / history of your blog.
  • A take down of advice to New bloggers.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers
  • Comment on their blogs to notify them of the nomination.

Thank you, Marie,  Aw…Thanks!! | CHEZ SHEA!!

Posted in Soap, SoapiNessence

Emerald Shimmer Bamboo

I can’t believe I didn’t post this last week!  I guess gardening, you know.  I thought this time I would try the green mica.  I knew that would be really pale, so I picked the bamboo scent I had to go with it. 

Mixing the white French clay with the green mica.

It turns out like this once you make a slurry with some of the soaping oils.  Looks pretty bold and bright, doesn’t it?  And it would probably stay that way if I was using something like a clear melt and pour soap base. 

But, I’m doing what’s called cold process soaping, which goes through a saponification process because I’m combing oils of my own choosing with a lye-water solution.  That process generates heat, which can impact the pigments you use.  Also, cold process soap is opaque, so things like shimmery micas don’t have any light to reflect, like the clear melt and pour soap bases do.  Still, you can get a nice light shade of soap using a mica.  That can be a good thing, because I don’t think people want to feel like their soap is going to stain their shower stall, lol. 

This is how it looked going into the mold.

And this is how it looked coming out!  It’s so pretty and delicate, with a light bamboo scent. 

All rights reserved by Vanessence

cross-posted on my soaping blog

Posted in Holiday, Military

Happy Armed Forces Day!

In honor of Armed Forces Day, I would like to offer my *salute* to all the people in all of our military branches today.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and service.  You are what makes America the free nation that it is.

Love, Vanessa

If you would like to do more for our military personnel, please check out this site!  Operation Gratitude

More information about Armed Forces Day can also be found here –>> Armed Forces Day


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~~ How to Celebrate Armed Forces Day ~~

President Harry Truman proclaimed the first Armed Forces Day (AFD) on May 20, 1950. Every year since then, on the third Saturday in May we’ve honored the men and women who have served in uniform – in war and in peace – since the nation’s founding.

To find out what’s going on in your area this Armed Forces Day, check your local paper, or call the Public Information Office at your closest military installation.

Posted in Quiz

Do You Hold a Grudge?

Hmm, I guess I have to confess that this is pretty much true for me. 

All rights reserved by Vanessence

You Sometimes Hold a Grudge

You aren’t exactly vengeful, but you’re not going to forget when someone wrongs you.
And while you’ll forgive the small things, you don’t hand out too many second chances to people who really screw up.