Posted in Personal

Chewing the Fat

Have you ever had a January start out so rough that it felt like the whole year was doomed?

I’ve kind of had a January like that. 

I think I’ve spent more time in bed trying to recover than I’ve spent doing anything else.  If it hasn’t been one thing, it’s been another.

Thankfully, I’ve had my blog on auto-pilot and had some posts already up, but I do have a lot to catch up on in the blogosphere.

One tiny bright spot though, I did manage to finish rendering my bacon fat.  Now, that may not seem like much to you, but  you reach for any silver lining you can find sometimes and it’s nice to check a box on my “done” list, so I’m claiming it.  🙂

There’s nothing like a plate of eggs cooked in bacon butter to make a body feel better. 

And how has your 2020 been so far?

Love, Vanessa



10 thoughts on “Chewing the Fat

  1. ugh! sound like you have been sick. I have been for the last 2 weeks, but not bad enough to keep me in bed. I have a really chapped nose from using paper towels as tissues. Dumb move, but it was all I had on the worst day of the drips! With all of this, the year is starting out pretty good – got engaged! Hard not to be excited about the year ahead :-). Hope things turn around soon, though the bacon fat looks promising ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Not sick, but other things, pulled muscles, etc. Ugh!

      So sorry about your nose! If you have a bit of coconut oil, it will help heal that in a jiffy.

      Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting! I’m so happy for you! ❤ 🙂


  2. Eggs in bacon butter sounds delish! Though I’m sorry to hear your year’s started in a not so good way. Thank God for silver linings. Wishing you a much healthier and happier Feb.
    Hugs and love from across the ocean my lovely friend xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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