Posted in Music, Personal, Video

Music Monday

Okay!  So I have done the first thing you’re supposed to do when you’re on vacation – sleep in!  Open-mouthed smile  I am so looking forward to the next 4 weeks – weather getting nicer, kids off school, a chance to maybe tackle the proverbial “Spring cleaning.” 

Lately I have been trying to “reintegrate” my online self, for lack of a better term.  Some time ago, prior to the 2008 elections – remember how divisive that was? – I decided to compartmentalize my thoughts.  I was afraid of offending readers who didn’t share my religious or political views.  So I set up faith and political blogs.  Then, when Google Reader shut down and my husband decided to stop using the DarcKnyt name for his blog, well that meant I should probably hang up the DarcsFalcon moniker, too.  I mean, how could I be Darc’s Falcon if there wasn’t a Darc?  So I set up my Vanessence name, and thought, well, since I already have faith and political blogs, how else can I define myself?  Enter all the other blogs.  I’m sure I got carried away but it’s fun and I kind of liked it but it has been kind of overwhelming to keep up with them all and all their attendant Readers and FaceBook names Twitter accounts and everything else.  I haven’t been very good at it, at all.  The last few months, I’ve kind of felt like I wanted to be me, all of me, in one place, for goodness sake, and not scattered to the high online winds.  If I’m going to post something that might be offensive – like a political post – then I guess I’ll just use a disclaimer at the top of the post.  And I can make a text template for that.  Open-mouthed smile  Thank you Windows Live Writer

All that being said, it’s Music Monday!  As a bit of background, for Christmas we got our son the Mass Effect Trilogy video game, and my husband really got into it, too, which meant that I sort of did as well, as an observer.  We tend to do that as a family – we obsess over things for a bit, learn as much as we can about it, and then move on to the next thing.  So, lately it’s been Mass Effect.  We all have our favorite characters and dialog and ‘missions’ and so forth.  I’ve watched my son’s and husband’s gaming skills go through the roof and they’ve had a chance to really share some good father/son time over it, too.  One of the things we all seems to like is the opening music for the 3rd leg of the trilogy.  The score for the whole game is cool but the title sequence for the 3rd installment is particularly stirring for us.  There is a haunting quality to it, as well as a hopeful undertone that some may or may not agree belongs to that leg. 

I hope you enjoy!

All rights reserved by Vanessence