Posted in Apps, Tech Stuff

hAPPy Monday

It feels like it’s been a while since I got really excited about something tech-y.  But I stumbled across something the other day that made me, almost, literally drool.  Be still my geeky heart! 

What, you ask, has me so enamored?  I’ll tell you!  It’s this book, this notebook: 

Rocketbook: Cloud-Integrated Microwavable Notebook 

You write in it, and when you’re done writing, you can scan it with your phone and depending on which icon you’ve selected at the bottom of the page, the accompanying app (both Android and iPhone) will upload it to the destination of your choice, within Google Drive, Evernote, Email, or Dropbox.  If that weren’t cool enough, if you use the recommended pen for all your writing, when your notebook is full, you can just pop it in your microwave for 30 seconds and make it blank again. 

*dreamy sigh*

Imagine having a never-ending notebook, that you can write in again and again and again, and save it all to the cloud when you’re done. 

Oh yes, I have already added my name to the list!  Right now, it’s in beta testing, but it has a projected June/July release time.  Come Summer, I should have my own copy.  And I’ve bookmarked lots of links in Amazon to get me a whole passel of those pens, too.  They come in colors!  The book will come with a pen – standard black (yawn) – but I want the colorful ones, of course. 

Want one too?  Click the link Rocketbook: Cloud-Integrated Microwavable Notebook  and add your name and donation to the list! 

This is going to be a long wait.

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Paper notebook uploads to cloud, erases in microwave


Although thumb-typing on smartphones and stylus-scribbling on tablets have their place, sometimes nothing quite beats the satisfaction of writing in an actual paper notebook. The Rocketbook, currently scorching its way through an Indiegogo campaign, combines the satisfaction of a paper notebook with the backup power of the cloud. And if you use the right pen, then when you’re done using it, you can stick it in the microwave to erase your notes and start all over again.

via Paper notebook uploads to cloud, erases in microwave – CNET.


Rocketbook: Cloud-Integrated Microwavable Notebook