Posted in Fun, Laughing, LOLz, Silly

Happy Friday the 13th!

Posted in Fun, Holiday

Happy Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th (6)

Friday the 13th (11)

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Posted in Fun, In The News

A Simple Box to Make Boy’s Dream Come True

As a box lover myself, I could feel this little boy’s pain!  lol


An empathetic employee is being hailed for delivering more than just packages to a Mississippi family – more specifically, he went out of his way to deliver a box to a 6-year-old boy.

Delivery Man Goes Above and Beyond With a Simple Box to Make Boy’s Dream Come True

Posted in Fun, FYI

The Secret to Happiness Only Takes One Minute a Day


In a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Emmons found that when people kept a gratitude journal, they were happier. So much happier, in fact, after a month of daily journaling, they showed a 10 percent increase on subjective happiness—that’s the same jump in happiness you’d expect if you doubled your income. 

The Secret to Happiness Only Takes One Minute a Day


A great habit to get into for the new year!  🙂

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Posted in Blogging, Fun

Blogger Recognition Award

VE, over at Kind & Bold blog has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award!  How cool is that?

Blogger award

Here are the rules:

1: Write a post to show your award.
2: Thank the person that nominated you.
3: Briefly describe your journey as a blogger.
4: Give advice to other bloggers.
5: Nominate the deserving ones.

My Blogging Journey

Is it okay to talk about it when I haven’t gotten to the end yet?  Winking smile

In all seriousness, I started blogging Labor Day Weekend 2006.  Yep, I’m going to have my 10th blogiversary this year.  This blog that you’re reading is the latest in my blog journey.  I’ve been here for about 3 years now, and with WordPress since about 2007. 

Blogging Advice

I don’t think of myself really as qualified to give advice about blogging.  I can give you advice on lots of other things though, lol.  (It’s a mom thing.  Winking smile )  Even though I’ve been blogging a long time, I still feel kind of like a newbie sometimes.  There is such a vast world of blogging knowledge (bloledge?) and new stuff is coming on the scene all the time.  It can feel hard to keep up sometimes.  I have learned this though.  For new bloggers, here’s what I recommend:  Have fun.  Blogging shouldn’t feel like a chore.  Write what’s on your heart, what interests you, what you think about, what you’re curious about, what you’re angry about, what you love, and then make sure you love what you write.  If you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to, either, and let’s face it, the biggest reason we blog is to connect with others.  If we were just blogging for ourselves or only to express ourselves, we’d just journal, not blog.  Winking smile 

Nominate Other Bloggers

Okay, this is the part I hate.  Lots of people don’t like awards.  You’ll see them with pages that say something like, “Award Free Blog.”  And many people don’t like the sense of pressure that being nominated for an award brings them.  So I don’t like to do it.

But, I do have an awesome list of blogs on my Blogroll!  I try to keep up with blogs I follow, although I confess I’m still a bit behind.  There are so many lovely people out there, like VE who nominated me. 

Any of these people would love to meet you!  I follow some seriously awesome bloggers.  Smile  So give them a look-see and tell them I sent you.

And you can consider yourself nominated if you’d like! 

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Posted in Blogging, Fun


Minaxi, over at Gameplan Happily Ever After, is the kind of sweetheart, that when she saw I was having kind of a rough day, sprinkled bloggy awards on me to try to cheer me up.  See what I mean about sweet?  And you cannot spend 5 minutes in her company without smiling, because she’s an optimistic, cheerful sort who loves to spread joy and happiness.  Go look, you’ll see what I mean.  Smile

These are the awards Minaxi gave to me, and in turn, I give them to you.  Aren’t they pretty?  You know you want them.

I’ve never been comfortable with nominating people, so I will leave them here for anyone who wants to participate.  I will answer Minaxi’s questions at the end though, and try to think of some of my own.  (Good grief, did I really say that out loud, as though I could think of questions to ask people?!)


It’s Raining Awards! 🙂

Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

1. Answer the eleven questions from the blogger who nominated you.
2. Nominate eleven wonderful bloggers and write eleven questions for them to answer.


Rules for One Lovely Blog Award


1. Thank the person that nominated you and give a link to their blog
2. List the rules.
3. Display the award on your post of the award.
4. List seven facts about yourself.
5. Nominate (up to) 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them.

It’s Raining Awards! 🙂 – Gameplan Happily Ever After

Minaxi’s questions for me:

1. Favorite vacation place (which you have been/ in bucket list)

I have always wanted to go to Ireland, and Alaska.

2. Top of your wish list currently? (can be anything)

Um … lottery!

3. A person/memory/possession you are proud of the most in your life.

My awesome kids.  Smile

4. Three qualities that define you (you can list more if you want)

This is really hard.  I mean, I could say I have really long hair, but that doesn’t define me because I could cut it.  Hahahaha!  As if!  Do you have any idea how long I’ve been growing this stuff?!  — I could say I’m Christian, but that doesn’t define me in the sense like a talent or skill or anything.  I didn’t earn it and I wasn’t born with it.  My faith doesn’t “define” me so much as sustains and changes me.  — As for personality, I suppose I could go with Introverted, but is that nature or nurture?  Am I a quiet sort because I learned to be, or was I that way already?  See?  It’s a hard one!  I guess you could say I’m still figuring that one out.  Winking smile

5. One weird fact about yourself It MUST be weird

I can pick things up with my toes.

6. What can rebound you from sadness? That makes you feel better on a bad day.

Hearing my kids laugh.

7. Would you change anything about you? If so what trait?

Sheesh, most things!  I’d be taller, thinner, smarter, prettier, and sing in tune.  And rich, can’t forget that one, lol.

8. What is the one thing that turns you off totally?


9. When do you usually write? Like do you have any specific time daily for writing?

Nope, no specific time, just fill in bits and pieces as time permits, between the other things I do.

10. What posts do you wish to see more in blogosphere?

More LOLCats!  The world needs more LOLz.  Okay, seriously, I think that whatever a person is looking for in the blogosphere, they will find more than they expected.  There is a wealth of posts on any and everything.  It only needs more of whatever you’re looking for.  Smile

11. All time favorite movie? (more than one is also fine. I understand :D)

A Charlie Brown Christmas, and Sleeping Beauty.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to answer these questions and follow the “rules” listed above as best you can.  [It’s the blogosphere, we don’t really do rules here very well.]

  1. Were you born where you live now, and if not, where?
  2. Do you play an instrument?
  3. If you were in a white room, with no windows, and there is only a single picture on one of the walls, what’s in the picture?
  4. Do you blog on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone?
  5. Potato chips or corn chips?  Or crackers?
  6. Gold or silver?
  7. What historical figure would you most like to meet?
  8. Would you ever be willing to spend long periods in stasis to travel to other planets/galaxies?
  9. Do you have a game console?  If yes, which one(s)?
  10. Do you watch movies on a TV or computer/tablet?
  11. Android or iOS?

I did it!  Whew!  I didn’t think I was going to make it!

Thank you, Minaxi, for being your sweet and caring self.  *hugs*

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Posted in Fun, Tech Stuff

ErgoDox EZ

Saw this in an email newsletter today, and I knew I had to post about it.  The timing is interesting because just last night I was talking about keyboards and writing and then I see this today.  Strange. 

I know a guy who loves him some keyboards.  I mean, he collects the things like others collect comic books.  He’s been on a “perfect keyboard” quest for years.  Came close once, real close, but the way the keyboard sat on his desk caused some nerve issues in his wrists so he had to stop using it. 

Then today I saw this, and if that guy is reading this post, he might want to get himself a napkin to wipe up the drool.  This … is keyboard prOn. 

Love you, Babe!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


A beautiful split keyboard
with mechanical keys.

Successfully funded! Now available for pre-order right here, with our new ErgoDox EZ Wing wrist rest and the exclusive ErgoDox EZ Tilt/Tent Kit!

  • Comes fully assembled (not a kit).
  • Full 2-year manufacturer’s warranty.
  • Case made of injection-molded ABS plastic, not 3D printed.
  • Printed keycaps available! Look for the perk on the right.
  • Custom accessories: Tilt/Tent kit and Wing wrist rest
  • Powerful, customizable, open-source firmware (QMK)
  • Supports N-key rollover (NKRO) and mouse keys

Imagine an ergonomic keyboard that’s so great, people would be willing to buy it in bits and pieces and solder it on their own. A mechanical keyboard, fully customizable to your needs. Such a keyboard exists: the ErgoDox. But why should it be so hard to get?

ErgoDox EZ: An incredible mechanical keyboard | Indiegogo

Posted in 2015 NaBloPoMo, 2015 Nano Poblano, Drafts Folder, Fun, Seasonal

Holiday Light Displays

I found this post in my drafts folder, from last year.  I checked the link and it still works, yay!  I love the Christmas lights and the different ways people decorate their homes.  My husband and I used to drive around during the holiday season just to see the lit-up houses, before our son was born. 

Do you put Christmas lights up where you live?  Do you like to drive around just to see the pretty lights? 

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All rights reserved by Rarasaur

Baltimore, M.D.

Branson, Mo.

Portland, Ore.

Leah Ginsberg
December 9, 2014
There’s nothing that says holiday season like a killer display of lights. Sure it’s fun to check out the towering tree as it twinkles in New York City’s Rockefeller Center or the Christmas extravaganza at Disney World. But those aren’t the only spots to see spectacular festive lights. Here are some more off-the-beaten-path, quirky spots to check out holiday lights around the U.S.

via These Off-the-Beaten-Path Holiday Light Displays Will Blow Your Mind.